I think I am going Vegan! Yeah I said it.
I have been reading Skinny Bitch a little at a time and last night I got to the chapters on meat and dairy. I almost threw up. It's not that any of the information was new to me. I knew about all that stuff already but the way it was presented is what did it.
I had just finished eating this lovely ghoulash that I had made with turkey burger and whole wheat pasta and a sauce made from fresh veggies and cheese, with a side of baked acorn squash. It was delicious... until I read this book. Just thinking about what is in my fridge right now is making me want to puke. I really do have a weak stomach. When I got up this morning I had no idea what I was going to eat because I usually have cereal and milk. No way was that happening today. I settled for oatmeal.
Today I am going to the farmers market to pick up some more fresh veggies and ask about a co-op or CSA in the area. I had intended to do this anyways but now I am more motivated to get as much plant based food in my house as possible. I also need to find a steamer on the cheap cause I love steamed veggies but usually am forced to boil due to lack of equipment. Ugh!
The hard part of this is not going to be giving up meat so much because I don't eat a lot of meat anyways, but I will have trouble with the dairy part because I love milk and cheese and although you can get a decent soy milk I have yet to find a good vegan cheese that I could not only cook with but is also good enough to just eat! Any one know of any? I am taking suggestions!
Also I just got the news last night that Estelle Getty has died. I just loved that woman. I don't think I ever saw her in a roll that she didn't do well! Of course my favorite was the Golden Girls, but she really was an all around amazing actress. I am wishing I had cable because I am sure there are lots of Golden Girls marathons this week that I am missing.
Rest In Peace! You will be remembered.
Happy Training,
Love Jenn
Congratulations on making your decision to become a vegan!
It does take awhile to get used to, but its certainly worth it!
I might recommend you don't go straight to veganism though. You should start to slowly decrease the amount of meat etc that you eat until you are a vegetarian, and then do the same and slowly phase out milk, dairy and other things containing animal products.
Good work again! :)
I'm reading the Skinny Bitch book, too. It is a wonderful eye opening source of information! I too became dizzy and sick while reading the sections on how slaughterhouses are run. I am discusted about how the meat & dairy industry operates and diludes the masses. I cannot bring myself to support this maddening industry any longer! From someone with the same interest, best wishes to you and your new dietary endevor!
Great and inspirational site...just what I needed to read today.
At 51, I have grown tired of being overweight and stuck in a rut taking the same old meds for high cholesterol. About 4 months ago, I made a decision to go vegan! No intermediate steps for me...I was done with animal based foods.
I then learned about the cruelty.
Since going vegan, I have lost 35 pounds and my total cholesterol went from 251 to 150. And it keeps getting better!
I am free...I pray you receive that freedom you seek as well.
Hi there, I accidently came to your site because I am just becoming vegetarian. I met a wonderful women this last weekend that has a yummy recipe for vegan cheese. Here it is:
1 cup hot water, 1/2 cup washed raw cashews, 1 1/2 cup hot cooked millet, 2 tsp of salt, 1/2 cup of pimentos & juice ( or 1/2 to 1 raw red bell pepper), 1/2 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 1 cooked and peeled potato (opt.)
Blend cashews and water. Add the other ingredients one at a time. Blend until smooth. If mix is too thick to blend, add a little more water until a small hole appears on top. Refrigerate. Keeps up to 2 weeks. Very good over baked potatoes or cook whole macaroni until done. Drain and add the cheez for macaroni and cheese. (Goodness pure and simple, by Yolanda Leamon, @ yolandaskitchen.com
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